Do you find yourself ordering the same print papers regardless of whether they’re good value, the best option for the job at hand or the best quality for your budget?
We asked our customers, what stops them trying out different print media? Do they just want to stick with what they know because it’s safe? Or would they consider alternatives if they thought it was better quality, had better properties for a specific job, or was a cheaper option to achieve the same print finish.
The resounding answer that came back was – they order the same because they have the order number at hand and it’s quick and easy! And sometimes, customers admitted, this can be to the detriment of the print job.
Clients we quizzed included printers, photographers, architects and artists – and all of them admitted to using a print medium that probably wasn’t the best out there for a particular project, just because they hadn’t got the time to search for a suitable replacement.
If there was a simple and speedy way to weigh up the alternatives, however, without having to trawl through a website or catalogue, they would indeed consider trying out a broader range of print paper, photo paper or canvas.
Well, we’ve listened – and we want to help, so we’re modifying our online shop listings to try and sort this out for you right now!
It’s still a work in progress as we have such an extensive range of products, but we’re starting to list some of the alternative supplies for our popular paper ranges – to give customers a quick glance guide and, more importantly, a choice from the viable options available.
Whether it’s comparing print media from a different manufacturer to see if the quality or price is better, or finding a paper that creates a better finish – more suited to the ink or printer used, change can be a good thing.
Here’s an example of our new-style listing, with alternative suggestions to consider:
Canon Oce Instant Dry Photo Gloss Paper – 190gsm
Our list of similar products includes:
- HP Universal High-Gloss Photo Paper
- Kodak Premium Rapid Dry Photographic Glossy Paper
- Epson Photo Paper Gloss
- Tavira Gloss Pro Photo Paper
- Canon Glossy Photo Paper – A1 inkjet photo paper
- Sihl Rocket Photo Paper Glossy
So, next time you’re ordering – and pondering whether there’s a better option – enter the product code into our website and see if there’s a ready-made list of similar products sat there waiting for you!